A Call for Peace Amidst the Escalating Violence in the Holy Land

Caritas Jerusalem Secretary General Visits Ramallah Governorate, Showcasing Empowerment Through Micro Projects
September 20, 2024
Caritas Jerusalem Secretary General Visits Ramallah Governorate, Showcasing Empowerment Through Micro Projects
September 20, 2024
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A Call for Peace Amidst the Escalating Violence in the Holy Land

In the Gospel of Luke, the disciples woke Jesus in fear, crying out as they faced a violent storm. Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves, bringing calm to the chaos. He then asked, "Where is your faith?" Amazed, the disciples questioned, "Who is this, that even the winds and waters obey him?" (Luke 8:24-25)

Today, we find ourselves in a different kind of storm as violence continues to escalate in the Holy Land. Israeli bombardments across the Gaza Strip continue, with devastating consequences. Since October 2023, more than 1,540 Israelis and foreign nationals have lost their lives, with over 2,270 soldiers injured. In Gaza, the death toll exceeds 41,000, with around 95,000 injured. In the West Bank, nearly 700 have been killed, and 6,000 injured.

“Many months have now passed since the beginning of this terrible war. The suffering caused  by this conflict and the dismay at what is happening are not only unabated but seem to be  fuelled again and again by hatred, resentment, and contempt, which only intensify the violence  and push away the possibility of finding solutions. Indeed, it is becoming increasingly difficult  to envision a conclusion to this conflict, whose impact on the lives of our people is greater and  more painful than ever before. It is becoming increasingly difficult to find people and institutions  with whom a dialog about the future and peaceful relations is possible. We all seem to be  crushed by this present, which is characterized by so much violence and, admittedly, anger”  H.B Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa. 


We mourn the loss of life, including 250 aid workers, two of whom were our colleagues at  Caritas Jerusalem. The suffering of the community is palpable: parents pleading for their  malnourished children, the desperate cries of Gazans to end the war, and the overwhelming  presence of death in Gaza. In the West Bank, breadwinners struggle to provide even the most  basic necessities—food, healthcare, education—for their families.  

Yet amidst of this suffering, we remain committed to our mission of peace and hope. We  continue to advocate for an immediate ceasefire, the opening of humanitarian corridors, the  protection of civilians and aid workers, the release of Palestinian prisoners, and the freedom  of Israeli hostages. 

The Holy Land Community is imploring the international community to urgently intervene, to  halt this brutal war and begin the healing process. As Autumn brings yellow leaves, a harsh  winter looms, threatening to deepen the suffering. Yet, we know that Spring carries hope. Our  faith assures us that a new Spring is coming, giving us strength and empowering us to continue  our mission. As Christians, it can be difficult to know how to respond to such overwhelming  grief and anger. But, like the disciples who witnessed Christ's power over the storm, we hold  onto faith, believing that peace can prevail even in the darkest of times. 

Jerusalem September 27th ,2024 

sg 564-09/2024