Current Issue

In the Gospel of Luke, the disciples woke Jesus in fear, crying out as they faced a violent storm. Jesus rebuked the winds and the waves, bringing calm to the chaos. He then asked, "Where is your faith?" Amazed, the disciples questioned, "Who is this, that even the winds and waters obey him?" (Luke 8:24-25)

Today, we find ourselves in a different kind of storm as violence continues to escalate in the Holy Land. Israeli bombardments across the Gaza Strip continue, with devastating consequences. Since October 2023, more than 1,540 Israelis and foreign nationals have lost their lives, with over 2,270 soldiers injured. In Gaza, the death toll exceeds 41,000, with around 95,000 injured. In the West Bank, nearly 700 have been killed, and 6,000 injured.

“Many months have now passed since the beginning of this terrible war. Read More

Embracing Compassion

Our Vision: Caritas Jerusalem is at the heart of the Church in the Holy Land where all people enjoy love, peace, justice and prosperity and live in dignity.

Our Mission: Caritas Jerusalem is the social arm of the Catholic Church in the Holy Land and a member of the Caritas International Confederation. We empower the people of the Holy Land to realize their full potential, thus giving a voice to the voiceless and hope and encouragement to the youth. We strive to achieve sustainable development and improvement in the health services, social welfare, food security and livelihoods, through advocacy, micro-credit loans, education, charity, emergency intervention and direct service provision.


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Love In Action

Love Unleashed