Bee’s changing the life of a family

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Bee’s changing the life of a family

Suzan Al Omari (22 years old) is a married woman from Faqou’a village who lives with her husband, (Amir, 30 years old), her in laws and 8-month-old baby.
Amir is an unskilled laborer who works in Jenin on and off on a daily basis with an average monthly income of NIS 1,800 (app. EUR 430) and Suzan is a homemaker,
therefore a family of 5 had to survive on Amir’s income. Life was very hard for them, because Amir took loans in order to buy furniture and other necessities before the wedding and most of what he made went into paying his loans.
In order to make ends meet, Amir bought 4 beehives and tried to start a small income generating activity by himself and Suzan helped him when he was away working. When she saw the announcement from Caritas about income generating activities, Suzan applied and received 15 beehives, trainings on best practices and the needed items to expand and succeed in the new family business.
They received the grant in 2019 and almost after a year they succeeded in producing and selling 200 kg of honey which added NIS 20,000 to the family’s annual income. With this additional money they were able to pay all their loans and now they have plans to expand the business.
“The grant that we received from Caritas enabled us to stand on our own feet and now the future of my family depends on the success of our endeavor. Thanks God we were able to succeed and make a good profit last year. I am sure that this year we will make better because currently we have 35 beehives. Thank you for all the help and the skills we learnt from you.”