Food coupons were given to 12 organizations in Bethlehem, Beitjala and Beitsahour
August 3, 2020
Caritas Jerusalem Youth helping in cleaning the Byzantine church
September 21, 2020
Food coupons were given to 12 organizations in Bethlehem, Beitjala and Beitsahour
August 3, 2020
Caritas Jerusalem Youth helping in cleaning the Byzantine church
September 21, 2020
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Board of Directors Meeting

A meeting of Caritas Jerusalem Board of Directors took place in our Jerusalem headquarters, on September 9th 2020. The meeting was presided over by His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, at which the appointment of a Chaplain and Executive Committee was approved.
The newly appointed Executive Committee has combined expertise in pastoral and social ministry, finance, law, health care, organizational leadership and management
In the photo, left to right: Sr Bridget Tighe FMDM Secretary General. Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Apostolic Administrator Latin Patriarchate and President of Caritas Jerusalem (CJ), Archbishop Yaser El-Ayash Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchal Vicar of Jerusalem, Archbishop Moussa El-Hage Maronite Archbishop of Haifa in the Holy Land and Maronite Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem, Jordan and Palestine, Rev. Fr Francesco Patton OFM Custos of the Franciscans in the Holy Land.