Caritas Jerusalem organized an educational trip for the youth to archaeological sites in the northern West Bank

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Caritas Jerusalem organized an educational trip for the youth to archaeological sites in the northern West Bank

Caritas Jerusalem, represented by the Socio-Pastoral Department, organized an educational trip entitled "Know Your Country", which targeted a visit to some archaeological sites located in the northern West Bank for 24 volunteers, as part of the project "Developing the Social Commitment of Youth in the Churches of Palestine".
The northern West Bank includes many archaeological areas and ancient monuments, rich in spiritual dimensions throughout the ages. Caritas youth visited the Jacob's Well Church in the city of Nablus, which is an important archaeological and religious landmark in history, the ancient Sebastia Castle and the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist, and the Church of St. George in the village of Nisf Jbeil and visited the ceramics factory and the guest house, all the way to the Church of the Ten Lepers in Burqin and the educational trip was concluded with a meeting with Father Louis Salman and a visit to the Church of the Visitation in the heart of the town of Zababdeh.
This trip aimed to introduce the volunteers during the trip to the Palestinian heritage in general and the Christian heritage in particular, by identifying archaeological sites that have a Christian character and religious value, in addition to identifying the nature of the lives of believers and the first saints in the early periods of the ancient history of Palestine and the roots of life Christianity in it, and during visiting the holy sites, they got acquainted with the symbols used in the sites that have been used since ancient times and their spiritual dimensions, in addition to the practices used in the restoration of archaeological sites and the stages they pass through.
It is worth noting that Caritas Jerusalem has carried out four previous educational trips for young people in different areas of the Palestinian nationals