Exchange Visit – Development Department

Promoting the general health of school students – Caritas Jerusalem in Taybeh Village
December 2, 2021
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 3, 2021
Promoting the general health of school students – Caritas Jerusalem in Taybeh Village
December 2, 2021
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
December 3, 2021
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Exchange Visit – Development Department

Within the project to promote a sustainable and diversified rural economy in the countryside of Jenin, Caritas Jerusalem organized an exchange visit in cooperation with the Rozana Association, with the aim of learning about the successful tourism experience and exchanging experiences in Deir Ghassaneh and Aboud areas. The visit included a meeting with the mayor of Bani Zaid al-Gharbia, the head of Aboud village council, representatives of women's associations, and a field tour in several tourist attractions, including Dar Abu al-Walid and the old town in Deir Ghassaneh village, Wadi al-Lemon, the old town and the oldest churches, including the Dormition of the Virgin Mary Church and Saint Barbara Church in Aboud village.
Representatives of municipalities and members of the tourism committees in Burqin, Zababdeh and Marj Ibn Amer participated in this exchange visit.