St. Barbara Youth Volunteers Activity

Safeguarding orientation sessions for caregivers of persons with disabilities
December 7, 2021
H.B Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Christmas Greetings
December 10, 2021
Safeguarding orientation sessions for caregivers of persons with disabilities
December 7, 2021
H.B Pierbattista Pizzaballa – Christmas Greetings
December 10, 2021
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St. Barbara Youth Volunteers Activity

Within the project “Strengthening the Social Commitment of Youth in the Churches of Palestine,” the volunteers of Caritas Jerusalem and the Latin youth of Beit Jala Parish implemented a family day on the occasion of Saint Barbara’s Day. A large number of parents and children participated in the activity. The activity included an explanation of the life of Saint Barbara, entertainment activities and competitions for children and mothers, as well as the distribution of Burbara to all participants in the activity.