Strengthening the local market through social initiatives to facilitate the right to food project activity – Exchange visit

The study of developing the market for vegetable agricultural products in the Bethlehem
March 28, 2022
Caritas Jerusalem launched an electronic platform and a mobile application to explore tourism, heritage, natural and agricultural qualifications
March 29, 2022
The study of developing the market for vegetable agricultural products in the Bethlehem
March 28, 2022
Caritas Jerusalem launched an electronic platform and a mobile application to explore tourism, heritage, natural and agricultural qualifications
March 29, 2022
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Strengthening the local market through social initiatives to facilitate the right to food project activity – Exchange visit

On Tuesday, March 29, 2022, Caritas Jerusalem organized an exchange visit to Jenin Governorate for farmers and owners of agricultural lands in the Al-Makhrour area - Beit Jala, in the presence of representatives from the Bethlehem Agriculture Directorate and representatives of the Al-Makhrour Cooperative for the production and marketing of ecological agriculture. Several sites were visited in Jenin governorate, starting with the Palestinian National Center for Agricultural Research in Qabatiya, the Canaan Fair Trade Company in Burqin, the organic vegetable farms in Al-Jalama, the water harvesting project and the pollinator experiment field in Tubas. The visit had the scope of exchanging experiences and benefiting from projects targeting ecological agriculture in the various Palestinian regions.
This exchange visit was implemented through the activities of the project "Strengthening the local market through social initiatives to facilitate the right to food in Beit Jala, Palestine” funded by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation and Caritas Spain, implemented by Caritas Jerusalem in cooperation with the Palestinian Ministry of Agriculture and the Municipality of Beit Jala.